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An international student speaks... Joseph Sebastián Taya Navarette

Student Hotspot

Hasselt through the eyes of an international student. Wandering through the streets of Hasselt with a camera/mobile phone... This is how they experienced Hasselt during their Erasmus period.

"I'm Sebastián from Ecuador, but you can call me Geezus. I just turned 22 whilst my stay here in Hasselt. That was great! I'm currently studying my last year of Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages at Universidad Técnica del Norte in Ibarra, Ecuador.

This exchange was such a delightful experience. I really felt very welcome since the first time I arrived here. I just loved it. That's why I will always take Belgium, especially Hasselt, which has made me felt like home, in my heart.

I made this photo shoot. Each and every photograph has been portrayed spontaneously throughout my stay in this lovely and unique city: Hasselt. Light, color and contrast were the major details to take into account when developing their presentation. Enjoy!"

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