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Student Sports Limburg has an extensive range of sports for students at a student-friendly rate. Every registered student can buy a digital sports card for € 25. This is valid for an entire academic year. Whether you like swimming, BBB or horseback riding, everything is possible!


Student sport Flanders organizes annual student competitions between colleges and universities. If you participate in competitive sports and want to participate in student championships, please contact our sports coordinators at the start of the academic year!


We currently have the following teams:
- Men's Soccer
- Men's Futsal
- Handball ladies and gentlemen
- Volleyball ladies and gentlemen


The AUHL teams bear the name "Limburg Bucks".


So you can enjoy yourself all year round, but the sports department also provides a number of special activities. Toppers are the annual ski trip, the Campus Run and the regatta competition!




Hasselt University

University of Applied Sciences PXL

View the full range of sports 

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